About us

Hello! Friends, I’m Haard Shah. Almighty God has helped me create StackOMS. As an enthusiast for innovative solutions and a background in chartered accountancy, I’ve poured my passion into developing a practice management software that’s designed to empower Chartered accountants, tax consultants, and tax professionals like you.

With a deep understanding of the challenges professionals in our industry face, I embarked on a journey to create an intuitive, user-friendly, and comprehensive solution that simplifies your daily operations. Having spent 8 years in the field, I recognize the crucial need for streamlined task management, efficient client service, and organized data tracking.

My vision for StackOMS was born out of a desire to redefine how professionals manage their practices. I firmly believe that technology should be an enabler, making your work more efficient and allowing you to focus on what truly matters: serving your clients and growing your practice.

With direct involvement in the complexities of accounting and tax consulting, I’ve artfully woven my firsthand understandings into the very fabric of StackOMS. From its user interface to its feature set, each element is meticulously designed to cater to the specific needs of our industry.

Beyond the software itself, I’m dedicated to offering you an unmatched experience. StackOMS isn’t just about tools; it’s about revolutionizing your approach to practice management. That’s why we’ve made the software free for a lifetime, ensuring that you have the means to elevate your practice without financial barriers.

I invite you to join me on this journey of simplifying and enhancing the way we work. StackOMS isn’t just software; it’s a commitment to excellence, efficiency, and the success of professionals like you.

Thank you for choosing StackOMS, and I look forward to supporting you on your path to success.

Warm regards
CA Haard Shah

CA Haard Shah

About Priha Corporation

Priha Corporation is a proprietary firm managed by my wife, Priyal Shah. She oversees the hosting of the solution designed by me, aids me in correcting my spellings, manages support tickets, and supervises other team members. Apart from this she designs websites.  The firm, Priha Corporation, was established in 2017. Our office is situated at 345, Tower A, Atlantis K10, Sarabhai Road, Vadodara, Gujarat. Our passion lies in delivering simple, secure, and swift solutions at affordable rates.

Er. Priyal Shah

Our Vision

Our vision is to revolutionize the way accounting and tax professionals manage their practices. We strive to be the premier choice for intuitive and comprehensive office management software, empowering professionals to elevate their efficiency, enhance client service, and achieve unparalleled success.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide innovative and user-friendly practice management software tailored for Chartered accountants, tax consultants, and tax professionals. We are committed to simplifying complex tasks, centralizing data, and fostering client-centric practices through our tools. With a focus on accessibility and excellence, we aim to support professionals in achieving their highest potential and offering exceptional value to their clients.